Joe Biden Victory As 46th President More Impressive By The Day As The Final Two Percent Is Tabulated

With votes still being counted in the Presidential Election of 2020, it is clear that the Joe Biden victory is more impressive by the day.

Biden has now twice as large a popular vote lead over Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton had in 2016, and gained the exact same result in the Electoral College that Donald Trump had four years ago, 306-232.

Biden will end up winning 80 million votes, in an election where it seems 18 million more people will have voted than in 2016. He has a 3.6 percentage point lead over Donald Trump as the final two percent is tabulated.

The fact that Biden won back the Midwest (Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania) that Hillary Clinton narrowly lost in 2016 is a massive accomplishment.

Winning two Sun Belt States (Georgia and Arizona) is also a major event, and shows signs that the Sun Belt will move toward the Democratic Party as the 2020s go by, and once that happens, the Republican Party, unless it changes its racist and nativist agenda, will never win the Presidency again!

2 comments on “Joe Biden Victory As 46th President More Impressive By The Day As The Final Two Percent Is Tabulated

  1. Former Republican November 17, 2020 10:20 pm

    Trump has fired a top cybersecurity official who rejected Trump’s baseless claims about voter fraud.

  2. Pragmatic Progressive November 18, 2020 8:42 am

    Republicans are trying every dirty trick they can to keep the orange monster from leaving. Republicans in Michigan tried to block the certification of the votes yesterday. Luckily, they failed.

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