Trump’s Constant Use Of Projection Makes Him Look Foolish, And Clearly, He Is A Sociopath And Psychopath!

All Presidents and Presidential contenders have faults, shortcomings, negative points about their lives and public records.

There is not even among the great Presidents anyone who cannot be faulted and criticized.

But NEVER have we had a President quite like Donald Trump. He looks foolish regularly, and is the butt of jokes, as he makes himself look ridiculous and clueless as to reality!

He is a constant user of the psychological method known as “Projection”, labeling others and attacking others in every possible manner, but actually everything he utters or puts on Twitter as criticisms or ridicule can be pushed back on him!

He has no shame, or willingness to admit he is wrong, or to take responsibility for his actions.

He stands at the top of the list of President who were racist, nativist, and misogynistic, and yet he claims falsely that he is tolerant and treats others with dignity and respect.

In other words, he is looking in the mirror, so when he says someone is fat, crazy, stupid, and any other long list of verbal and written attacks, it applies to him and tells all of us just how messed up psychologically he is.

Face the facts, Donald Trump is a very sick person, a very unhappy person, a person who is dangerous, sadistic, uncaring, mean, nasty, and a pathological liar!

He has the traits of being a sociopath and a psychopath, and one has to be concerned as when he is rejected by the voters in 102 days, he could lash out in a very dangerous manner, that could unleash a nuclear war or a state of emergency, and cause more deaths than he has already caused by his unwillingness to deal with the CoronaVirus Pandemic.

And if by some tragic circumstances, through foreign collusion, voter suppression, and federal military being sent to prevent people from voting in person or by mail, Trump is reelected, then the United States is in a situation of intolerable danger!

If Donald Trump loses, even if he does not accept it, at that point, one would hope against hope that Vice President Pence and the majority of the Cabinet would step in and prevent any rash action by Trump, including invoking the 25th Amendment.

This would put Mike Pence in the Presidency for a brief couple of months until the inauguration. While an unpleasant situation, it would make Mike Pence look like a short term hero, saving the country from a disaster of an outgoing President wreaking massive damage on the nation in a innumerable set of possible circumstances.

3 comments on “Trump’s Constant Use Of Projection Makes Him Look Foolish, And Clearly, He Is A Sociopath And Psychopath!

  1. Princess Leia July 29, 2020 9:10 am

    The psycho pretending to be “president” praised some psycho pretending to be a “doctor” (Dr. Stella Immanuel) who spouts nonsense about alien DNA and sex with demons.

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