The Donald Trump Impeachment Trial Helps Promote Moderates Over Progressives In Democratic Presidential Competition

Last night’s Iowa Democratic Presidential Debate added “steam” to the belief that moderates are gaining over progressives, based on performance, and also on the reality that the upcoming Donald Trump impeachment trial will “bench” the two leading progressives, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, along with Amy Klobuchar and “forgotten” candidate Michael Bennet, giving the edge to Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg.

For a few weeks, beyond Iowa and probably including New Hampshire, those Senators will be unable to campaign in person, a major disadvantage.

It could be that it will have no effect on Iowa or New Hampshire, but the feeling is growing that it might be that a ticket will emerge of Joe Biden for President, with his experience, knowledge, and likability, running with Mayor Pete for Vice President, from the Midwest heartland, and making a major step forward as an openly gay Vice Presidential nominee .

Experience, youth, and likability, all in one ticket!

At the same time, a ticket of Biden with Amy Klobuchar, or a ticket of Pete for President and Amy for VP or vice versa would be fine, too!

9 comments on “The Donald Trump Impeachment Trial Helps Promote Moderates Over Progressives In Democratic Presidential Competition

  1. D January 15, 2020 3:58 pm

    After he endorse Joe Biden for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, John Kerry—the political party’s losing nominee from 2004—tried to make excuses for Biden’s vote for the war in Iraq.

    There is no excuse.

    It doesn’t change the fact that, like Kerry, Biden voted for the war in Iraq.

    No person who voted for the war in Iraq was elected president of the United States.

    The last two losing Democratic presidential nominees—Kerry and Hillary Clinton—voted for the war in Iraq.

    There is good reason: It goes to judgment. Poor judgment. This poor judgment came from Biden, by then in the U.S. Senate 30 years, and who not only voted but pushed for that disastrous war.

  2. Pragmatic Progressive January 15, 2020 4:39 pm

    This was the debate that made you miss Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Julian Castro. Kitchen table issues that mattered to the party’s base of black and brown people, such as police brutality, criminal justice reform, immigration reform, were locked away in the proverbial basement, out of sight, out of mind.

  3. Princess Leia January 15, 2020 4:43 pm

    D – Bernie, Elizabeth, or whoever who want to win needs to break up Biden’s firewall of African Americans in order to win the nomination.

  4. Rational Lefty January 15, 2020 5:13 pm

    Since Beto dropped out, there’s been nothing much about gun control.

  5. Former Republican January 15, 2020 5:19 pm

    Heard about this on Facebook recently…

    New sandwich in town – “THE TRUMP SPECIAL”


    Two slices of white bread (no other will do)
    Lots of baloney
    Smear with Russian dressing
    Side of very small pickle

    Bon appetit!

  6. Princess Leia January 15, 2020 6:25 pm

    With less women in the debates, there’s not as much about women’s issues either – reproductive healthcare, childcare, paid family leave, etc.

  7. Former Republican January 15, 2020 6:37 pm

    The Articles of Impeachment have been officially taken over to the Senate this evening.

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