Two Votes Putting Members Of Congress On Record For Future: The National Emergency Declaration, And The “Green” New Deal

In the next two weeks, we will see two votes in Congress, putting Democrats and Republicans on the record for the future on two major issues—The National Emergency Declaration by President Donald Trump regarding the need for a Border Wall with Mexico for national security reasons; and the promotion of a “Green New Deal” to deal with the emergent crisis of climate change.

Both houses of Congress will have to take stand on these issues, and both will have an effect on the 2020 Presidential and Congressional elections coming up in a little more than 20 months.

In a sense, the nation’s long term future will be dependent on these issues, and whether America will slide into a Presidential dictatorship, with unwillingness to confront not only that crisis, but the crisis of environmental disaster in coming decades.

7 comments on “Two Votes Putting Members Of Congress On Record For Future: The National Emergency Declaration, And The “Green” New Deal

  1. D February 26, 2019 9:14 am

    A description of the following video: “[Donald] Trump promises ‘democracy and freedom’ to Venezuela, delivered by Elliot Abrams who brought you illegal wars, coups, and support for dictatorships; and Mike Pompeo and [Mike] Pence, both with deep ties to the Koch brothers who need Venezuelan heavy crude to feed their Texas refinery.
    —Col. Larry Wilkerson joins [‘The Real News Network’s] Paul Jay”

  2. Ronald March 2, 2019 9:27 am

    Princess Leia, you need to realize that the CATO Institute is a right wing propaganda organization, not to be trusted, in my view.

    That does not mean that I believe the Green New Deal is possible financially or politically, a totally different point of contention.

    The reality is that no Green New Deal will happen without a Democratic President and Democratic Congress in both houses, but with the filibuster tactic that the opposition can utilize, most likely the Green New Deal is dead on arrival!

  3. Princess Leia March 2, 2019 11:11 am

    How do we fight such propaganda? A good chunk of the electorate believes that, spouting it off at the local hair salon, etc.

  4. Ronald March 2, 2019 11:42 am

    Those at the local hair salon are lost for any sense of knowledge, so just ignore them, as they are totally clueless!

  5. Rustbelt Democrat March 2, 2019 6:34 pm

    I’m of the opinion that Republicans are born brain-washed.

  6. Southern Liberal March 3, 2019 10:31 pm

    I’ve given up trying to convert Republicans to our side.

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