Trump’s Public Opinion Rating Continues To Fall Despite Growing Economy, And A Growing Fear Of His Mental Instability

Donald Trump’s public opinion polls continue to plunge, down to the low 30s, and likely to fall further over time.

This is happening despite the growing economy, including the stock market, low unemployment. and strong job growth.

Trump has been very irrational in his behavior, and it is starting to become an issue discussed on cable news, whether the President is fit to serve, with much evidence that he is often inattentive; wanders off at ceremonies when he is supposed to remain present; and rages and fumes so much about the unfairness of how he is treated by fellow Republicans, who are pushing ahead on the investigation of his Russian collusion. And his public speeches are very unnerving as he makes a fool of himself, and demonstrates how much of a massive liar he is, and the horrible disposition he puts on display.

It is not uncommon for men and women in their 70s to start having mental issues, as the brain ages, but we are not talking here about just any man or woman, but the President of the Unites States, who has control of the nuclear codes, but may indeed be delusional.

Such a condition could undermine the entire country, and so it is time for Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet, all loyalists to the President, to arrange a mental exam by psychologists and psychiatrists, as to the mental state of Donald Trump.

The nation comes before Donald Trump’s own ambitions and desires, and it is the responsibility of Pence and the Cabinet to put loyalty to the nation ahead of their support of Donald Trump!

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