Trump Tweet On Comey Meeting Taping: Now Trump Admits He Lied, But Tweet Led to Robert Mueller As Special Counsel To Investigate Obstruction Of Justice And Russian Ties

Donald Trump lied about having a taping system recording his meeting with James Comey, before he fired the former FBI head.

It took 41 days for Trump to admit yet another lie, but this time, it led to Robert Mueller being appointed Special Counsel to investigate charges of Obstruction Of Justice, and Russian Ties.

So, effectively, Donald Trump put himself into a legal quandary that likely will force him out office at some point in the next year.

And if he tries to fire Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General who appointed Robert Mueller, or decides to fire Mueller directly, Donald Trump is a prime candidate for impeachment investigation!

So it could be that Trump has been “hoist by his own petard”, unwittingly undermining himself and effectively shooting himself in the foot, as the saying goes!

4 comments on “Trump Tweet On Comey Meeting Taping: Now Trump Admits He Lied, But Tweet Led to Robert Mueller As Special Counsel To Investigate Obstruction Of Justice And Russian Ties

  1. Princess Leia June 28, 2017 12:07 pm

    Breaking news on Rachel’s show last night is that the Treasury’s financial crimes unit has handed over 2000+ pages of documents to the Senate Intel Committee.

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