What America Is Losing In 13 Days: The Best, Most Elegant, Most Dignified POTUS And FLOTUS In Modern Times!

In just 13 days, America is losing its best, most elegant, most dignified President of the United States and First Lady of the United States in modern times!

This is not to attack the Presidents and First Ladies who came before Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, as many of them had talents and abilities worthy of commendation, and many contributed in a good way to the nation.

But really, the Obamas are the most glorious couple in the White House since the Kennedys (John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy) in the early 1960s.

There were many times when one had to wonder whether Barack Obama would survive his time in the Presidency, as the number of death threats and plots against the 44th President were the greatest since Abraham Lincoln, and twenty such cases were documented in my chapter on Assassination threats, Chapter 16, of my Assassinations book, which will be out in paperback on March 8, 2017.

The level of hatred and refusal to show respect was greatest under Obama since Lincoln, and many still wish his personal demise, including former NY Republican gubernatorial nominee Carl Palladino, as just one example.

The level of hate and disrespect displayed by Donald Trump is unmatched in the relationship between any two Presidents, and yet Obama has done everything possible to cooperate with the transition, or as Michelle Obama has said, “when they go low, we go high!”

Let us wish the Obamas a long, productive, and healthy retirement, and let us hope that they will be with us in their 90s, as four Presidents (Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush have reached), along with earlier Presidents John Adams and Herbert Hoover; and also five First Ladies (Bess Truman, Lady Bird Johnson, Betty Ford, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush), with Rosalynn Carter reaching 90 in August of this year.

18 comments on “What America Is Losing In 13 Days: The Best, Most Elegant, Most Dignified POTUS And FLOTUS In Modern Times!

  1. DepressedDemocrat January 7, 2017 3:17 pm

    What I want to know is how are we going to stop Trump if he starts using Executive Orders just as Obama did? What if Trumps simply say he is not going to apply this part or that part of Obamacare? Or any other law he deems unfair just like Obama did? Who is going to stop him?

  2. Ronald January 7, 2017 5:11 pm

    In many areas of policy, Trump can reverse what Obama did, but not all areas.

    ObamaCare is, clearly, not going to be ended summarily, as the Republicans and Trump realize already that ending it suddenly, is counterproductive politically.

  3. Princess Leia January 7, 2017 8:53 pm

    One way people can get involved in saving our democracy from the Tangerine Mussolini is by joining a local Indivisible Guide group.


  4. Rational Lefty January 7, 2017 9:06 pm

    I’m wondering how in the world they are planning to enforce a bathroom law? Are they going to have someone checking our birth certificates outside of every bathroom?

  5. DepressedDemocrat January 8, 2017 11:50 am

    Thanks Ronald. But I still do not know how we will stop Trump and his fanatics from telling us “If Congress doesn’t act then the President must act”! I mean I understand Obama acting when Congress doesn’t but he is doing it for the good of those left behind, for all our causes. And frankly I don’t care much about Congress or the Constitution (after all it was established by white slave holding racist) when it come to moving forward and doing what must be done for progress. But for the white supremacist of Trump and conservatives to want to impose their racist capitalist policies on all of us ! No way!

  6. Paul Doyle January 8, 2017 11:52 am

    You will now have to purchase a P&C (aka pee and see) pass
    in Virginia to use public facilities.

    Hey, Princess, I love the sobriquet for The Donald–. Tangerine Mussolini–priceless!

  7. DepressedDemocrat January 8, 2017 11:56 am

    Rachel Maddow is already wondering if Trump will send her to a camp. The Mussolini thing is real, I wouldn’t laugh. We are terrified.

  8. DepressedDemocrat January 8, 2017 11:59 am

    We can’t forget Republicans already sent people to camps, Japanese in WWII. And they did it to them not to Germans or Italian Americans. Racist Republicans have been ruining our country since forever. Trump is worse than George Wallace, that racist Republican governor.

  9. Ronald January 8, 2017 12:25 pm

    I perfectly understand, Depressed Democrat, your fears, and like Rachel Maddow, I am outspoken against Trump, although far from famous. I choose NOT to worry about possible ramifications.

    I need to clarify what you said about George Wallace, who was a Democrat, and also FDR, a Democrat, ordered the internment of Japanese Americans, although many Republicans backed him on that terrible decision.

    An interesting sidelight is that Earl Warren, then the Republican State Attorney General of California, later Governor, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, also advocated internment, but also repented later on the Court, and apologized and promoted civil liberties and civil rights, so plaudits to him for his change!

  10. Pragmatic Progressive January 8, 2017 4:56 pm

    Not to fear. Democrats are going to keep Trumpolini in check.

  11. Southern Liberal January 8, 2017 5:21 pm

    I’ve heard that some celebrities have said they’ll move to Canada. Instead of moving, they need to be patriotic and fight, like the rest of us will be doing.

  12. DepressedDemocrat January 8, 2017 7:07 pm

    Pragmatic Progressive: How are we going to keep Trump in check if we don’t have Congress, not even the Senate? And if we did what will stop Trump from issuing Executive Orders and just applying the laws he wants to? He is just going to say if Congress doesn’t act I will! I read on another page that the military should step in and stop Trump for treason. He was elected by Putin, the Russians hacked our elections our Democracy. Trump and all those Republican who support this treason have to pay!! We just ca’t let this happen. If the military would have executed Hitler we would all have been thankful. This is the same. Trump is like Hitler and we are just standing here doing nothing!

  13. Pragmatic Progressive January 8, 2017 8:50 pm

    DD –

    I have faith that Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, etc. will fight Trump and the ReThuglicans tooth and nail.

    I recommend checking out the Indivisible Guide. It’s an online organizing guide, written by former congressional staffers, with advice for the anti-Trump grassroots on how best to influence members of Congress to prevent Trump from enacting his agenda.
    The Indivisible groups forming are at over 1,500 now, and they are forming all over the country.

  14. Pragmatic Progressive January 8, 2017 8:55 pm

    The grassroots can influence state and local officials to create sanctuary states and cities for immigrants, to fight climate change, etc.

  15. Pragmatic Progressive January 8, 2017 9:04 pm

    As Michael Moore has said on his Facebook page, all hope is not lost.

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