Operation American Spring To Oust Barack Obama From White House A Total Failure And Joke!

Right wing extremists—Ku Klux Klan, Nazis, white supremacists, military extremists, gun fanatics, and people who are clearly mentally ill—planned an Operation American Spring on May 16 to oust President Barack Obama from the White House, by marshaling 10 million to 30 million people to gather in Washington DC and demand the President’s resignation.

The result was maybe, at the most, 50 or fewer loonies gathered, making a mockery of their intended plans!

The American people are both too busy making a living, made more difficult by right wing extremism that was determined to ruin the economy, and by the reality that most Americans actually like and admire our 44th President.

What is clearly needed is more psychological help for people who hate too much, are mentally ill, and need intervention to prevent them from promoting violence in America, including death threats against our President.

Through thick and thin, Barack Obama has stood dignified and respectable, and will be appreciated as one of our better Presidents in the past half century, which has not been a time of great leadership from Richard Nixon onward.

Do not be surprised that Obama might end up eventually regarded as our best President since 1969!

3 comments on “Operation American Spring To Oust Barack Obama From White House A Total Failure And Joke!

  1. Engineer Of Knowledge May 20, 2014 7:52 am

    Albert Einstein
    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.

    Delusions spring eternal with this segment, don’t they?…:-)

  2. Pragmatic Progressive May 20, 2014 8:56 am

    Saw a trailer last night for a summer movie. The movie has something to do about anarchy. One of the characters looks like Hilary Clinton.

  3. Ronald May 20, 2014 9:10 am

    Sounds like what Operation American Spring was dreaming for!

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