The Republican Whom Hillary Clinton And Other Potential Democratic Presidential Nominees In 2016 Should Most Fear: Jon Huntsman!

Former Utah Governor, former Ambassador to China, and former GOP Presidential contender Jon Huntsman is on MORNING JOE as I write, and thinking ahead to 2016, one realizes that this is the Republican whom Hillary Clinton and other potential Democratic Presidential nominees in 2016 should most fear as a rival!

Huntsman is so SUPER qualified, it is a no brainer, as compared to ANY other potential GOP nominee for President! He walks all over Jeb Bush; has foreign policy experience which NO other potential nominee has; and has NEVER said or done anything to make him look ridiculous or looney, which cannot be said of any other potential nominee, including Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, and the other wing nuts who are seen as potential nominees!

This man had a fantastic record as Governor of Utah, and is a foreign policy genius, and other Republicans show their total ignorance of the world out there, and seem to think that the only answer is either to send troops (a la Lindsey Graham and John McCain), or turn off the outside world (a la Rand Paul)!

If the GOP had their druthers, they would see that Huntsman is their best shot for the Presidency, and would give Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden or any other Democrat a real run for their money!

And if, by chance, Huntsman were to win, we would have a sane, decent, mainstream Republican inheriting the Oval Office, and we could sleep at night, secure that our nation was in safe, experienced hands!

41 comments on “The Republican Whom Hillary Clinton And Other Potential Democratic Presidential Nominees In 2016 Should Most Fear: Jon Huntsman!

  1. Maggie May 31, 2013 7:30 am

    Not feelin this one Professor..sorry! I don’t want ANY republican anywhere near the WH for a decade or more. We slso need to clear the lunitics out of the house and senate for even longer until they can evolve into decent human beings again IF that is even possible!

  2. Ronald May 31, 2013 7:37 am

    I agree, but understand that Huntsman is NOT a lunatic, not a wing nut, has a very responsible record, similar to Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, and even George Romney back in the 1960s! IF there is to be a Republican in the White House, this is the best choice for the nation!

  3. Princess Leia May 31, 2013 8:49 am

    I’m with the Professor on this one. I’m ok with a moderate Republican.

  4. Juan Domingo Peron May 31, 2013 11:16 am

    While her favorability rating in February was 61 percent, a new Quinnipiac University poll out Friday had it cobbled down to 52 percent and her once double-digit lead over potential GOP presidential challengers Jeb Bush and Sen. Rand Paul has been cut to less than 10 percent. “Her score is down substantially from her all-time high score in February. The drop in her favorability is substantial among men, Republicans and independent voters. One reason for her drop may be that 48 percent of voters blame her either a little or a lot for the death of the American ambassador in Benghazi,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University polling Institute.

  5. Juan Domingo Peron May 31, 2013 11:26 am

    Ron: I find it really hilarious that “Huntsman has a very responsible record, similar to Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, and even George Romney back in the 1960s” ! All those Republicans you mentioned LOST!!!! Why would we Republicans continue to nominate “moderate” me too Liberal Republican establishment candidates, like Ford, Dole, McCain and Romney? Just to keep losing to Democrats? As Ronald Reagan said, “Raise a banner of bold colors, not pale pastels. Do not compromise our principles in the mistaken belief that we will be rewarded at the ballot box. On the contrary, that would put the Republican Party on the road to oblivion.”

  6. Ronald May 31, 2013 12:37 pm

    Juan, the time of Reagan and his destructive policies in many areas has come and passed, and we will not have a conservative more to the right of Reagan ever again! More likely, we would have a mainstream conservative, able to appeal to the middle, such as Jeb Bush or Jon Huntsman!

  7. dave martin May 31, 2013 6:27 pm

    The only way Hillery could be elected is if the dear leader can get the illegals and extended families in the back door.

  8. Ronald May 31, 2013 9:35 pm

    Dave, again you are not understanding the widespread backing that Hillary has, and it has nothing to do with illegal immigration. How is she going to lose enough electoral votes, going below 270, when Obama had 332? Can you tell me what states Obama won that the Republican nominee will win? The answer is you cannot do so!

  9. Firebrand May 31, 2013 11:45 pm

    We need a real progressive in the White House, THIS TIME!

  10. Firebrand May 31, 2013 11:47 pm

    We need a true progressive candidate this time! Obama has turned out to be corporatist, so we’d to better investigate the true ideology of these candidates, and their track records!!

  11. Princess Leia June 1, 2013 11:57 am


    This Firebrand poster is an example of a far lefty. I’ve encountered them on various liberal/progressive blogs. They’re constantly complaining about how Obama is not a “true progressive”. I laugh at their ridiculousness like I do with you.

  12. Juan Domingo Peron June 1, 2013 12:18 pm

    I think I explained on another post why big government, which is supported by the Republican establishment and of course Democrats, leads to corporatism, and that corporatism is contrary to free market capitalism. The problem with Firebrand is that she believes that “true” progressivism is contrary to corporatism, but history has proven her wrong. It’s the same thing with intellectual communists who at the faculty lounge and class sustain that “true” communism has never been practiced correctly and that the totalitarian Soviet Union was an aberration.

  13. Engineer Of Knowledge June 1, 2013 11:01 pm

    Hello Professor,
    Here is another annoying fact many of the fantasy Kool-Aid suckers can’t deal with:

    When President Obama took office in 2009, the deficit he inherited from W. Bush was $1.4 Trillion and the Federal Reserve’s printing presses were running overtime trying to keep the economy afloat.

    Four years later the deficit has shrunk by 55% and is not down to $642 billion for 2013. Of course that is not what Gush Limblob is telling his listeners.

  14. Ronald June 2, 2013 12:21 am

    Engineer Of Knowledge, you make a great point, but of course, talk radio and Fox News Channel will not give our President the ‘time of day”! And now lunatic Allen West, a real sicko, suggests impeaching Obama, which is a pure exercise in revenge without any effect, other than to besmirch Obama’s Presidency, just like Bill Clinton, because there is absolutely no chance to remove Obama by a two thirds vote in the Senate, even if the GOP were to win control in 2014. All it does is weaken the office of the Presidency, and make the GOP look ridiculous, and result in helping the Democrats to gain support for 2016 and beyond!

  15. Juan Domingo Peron June 2, 2013 10:11 am

    This article pretty much explains it all, the scandals.

    New Boss, Same as the Old ‘Boss’ by Marta H. Mossburg

    For those looking for insight on the scandals engulfing the Obama administration, read Boss, Mike Royko’s classic 1971 biography of former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley.

    The IRS targeting of conservative groups and the Department of Justice (DOJ) criminalizing reporting will make more sense after understanding how the infamous Chicago Machine, the one that birthed President Barack Obama, worked.

    It’s the one where honest police “were distinguished by their rank, which was seldom above patrolman.” It’s the one where millionaires were allowed to “contribute to the party, serve on advisory boards, take on time-consuming appointments and help elect Machine Democrats to office.” And it’s the one where everyone knew their role without being told. In order to be elected one had to make it through the system, “beginning as doorbell ringers, working in the jobs their sponsors got for them, pushing the ward book, buying the tickets, doing the favors, holding the coats, opening the doors, putting in the fix…”

    Obama did not rise through the Machine like Daley or his son Richard, Mayor of Chicago from 1989 to 2011. He adopted it, by moving to Chicago for good after Harvard Law School.

    As he told the Hyde Park Herald in 1995, “I came home in Chicago… I began to see my identity and my individual struggles were one with the struggles that folks face in Chicago.”

    The man who had never been a ward committeeman or moved up the patronage job ladder originally saw himself as above its parochial maneuverings. But he learned the hard way after U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush decimated him in a 2000 primary that he would get nowhere as the proverbial “nobody nobody sent.”

    So he embraced it, ingratiating himself with the proper pastors, politicians and now-Commerce Secretary nominee Penny Pritzker, the billionaire whose family founded Hyatt Hotels and who raised millions for him. And life was good. He moved from Illinois state senator to U.S. Senator under their tutelage.

    Schooled in its powers, he moved key sections of the Democratic National Committee to Chicago in 2008 so that it could be fully integrated into his campaign, thereby Chicago-fying national Democratic politics. And its imprint can be found all over the scandals even if Obama’s official fingerprints aren’t.

    It can be seen in Lois Lerner, the head of the section at the IRS that handles tax-exempt applications, declaring that she broke no law and did nothing wrong before she took the Fifth. And it can be seen in the focused auditing of conservative groups, the coordination across multiple federal agencies of audits, inspections and investigations of some and in one case, the release of IRS records to a group’s political opponent. Like exemplary patronage employees who worked their way up the local Democratic ladder by following its rules, she and her managers methodically accomplished party goals, the only law they knew.

    When President Obama’s reelection campaign said “wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records” are donating to his political opponent Mitt Romney, they used their power to audit them! When the president berated Supreme Court justices sitting in front of him at the 2010 State of the Union speech for making it easier for corporations to donate to political causes, they targeted groups, hundreds of them, funded by the new cash flowing through the political system, for special scrutiny, delayed their tax-exempt applications for years and coordinated the operation across the country like a well-oiled … machine. When Obama in 2010 called Fox News “destructive to [America’s] long-term growth”, Eric Holder’s Justice Department took it one step further by labeling one of its reporters a criminal co-conspirator in a national security investigation.

    The Obama administration keeps acting as if they knew nothing about the yin to their yang. The distancing has become so scripted it was almost comical when on May 15 President Obama took to the airwaves to announce the firing of the acting IRS commissioner without mentioning his name, as if he was so far removed from the operations of the organization he didn’t know its leader.

    That posture didn’t work for an embattled Daley in his second term. As Royko writes, “But since everybody took orders from him, nobody was impressed by his pose…” Daley fixed his problems by launching a public relations program and was soon on top again, “treated like a hero and a reformer.”

    There are no government heroes in this story, however. Only people who deserve the full consequences of a rule of law that applies to everyone, even them.

  16. Princess Leia June 2, 2013 12:00 pm

    Saw a poll on the news recently regarding the scandals. Majority of voters in the poll said the scandals are not an important issue.

  17. Juan Domingo Peron June 2, 2013 12:38 pm

    Even though I don’t agree with his politics ,Dennis Kucinich is one liberal Democrat who’s is not fooling himself concerning the IRS scandal, which affects us all. I applaud him.

  18. Princess Leia June 2, 2013 1:51 pm

    The poll proves that the scandals are duds! 🙂

  19. Princess Leia June 2, 2013 1:58 pm

    The poll shows that us rational people are making the message to Congress clear: put the focus back on more important things – economy, healthcare, climate issues, gun safety, etc. Congress doesn’t do so, we will vote them out in 2014! 🙂

  20. Juan Domingo Peron June 2, 2013 2:55 pm

    Why yes , violating the First Amendment, persecuting and silencing the opposition with the IRS and lying to the American people are not important for “you rational” people. We know that already.

  21. Juan Domingo Peron June 2, 2013 2:58 pm

    “The problem with our liberal friends is that they know so much that isn’t so.”

  22. Ronald June 2, 2013 4:09 pm

    Juan, conservatives are famous for misleading and deceptive rumors and pure lies, through Talk Radio and Fox News Channel, and Republican leadership, so “the problem with our conservative friends is that they know so much that isn’t so!”

  23. Princess Leia June 2, 2013 5:52 pm

    I second that Professor!

  24. Princess Leia June 3, 2013 1:20 pm

    Regressive Republicans have managed to accomplish something they only dreamed of when Tea Partiers streamed into Congress at the start of 2011: They’ve basically shut Congress down. Gridlock is working just as they hoped: No jobs agenda. No budget. No grand bargain on the deficit. No background checks on guns. Nothing on climate change. No tax reform. No hike in the minimum wage. Nothing so far on immigration reform. It’s as if an entire branch of the federal government — the branch that’s supposed to deal directly with the nation’s problems, not just execute the law or interpret the law but make the law — had gone out of business, leaving behind only a so-called “sequester” that’s cutting deeper and deeper into education, infrastructure, programs for the nation’s poor, and national defense.

    By default, more and more of the nation’s work is shifting to state governments — some of which are moving to the right (restricting abortions and rejecting gay marriage, cutting taxes and regulations, and gutting education and public services) or to the left (allowing gay marriage, expanding abortion rights, raising taxes and environmental regulations, and spending more on education and public services). This is not a workable solution to the deep divisions in the country right now!

  25. Ronald June 3, 2013 3:47 pm

    Princess Leia, everything you say above is absolutely true, and I believe voters will punish the Republican Party for their refusal to deal with the nation’s problems, and instead wasting time on “scandals” that are nothing compared to Nixon and Reagan scandals, and even Bush II scandals. They are the party of NO, NO, NO!

  26. Princess Leia June 3, 2013 3:51 pm

    Haha! #GoodbyeGOP has been trending number one on Twitter for hours and is now at number four! 🙂

  27. Juan Domingo Peron June 3, 2013 7:14 pm

    Ooops#3: Those who just fell off the pumpkin truck and are still scratching their heads about exploding premiums and deductibles under Obamacare are in for another shock: it’s already being rationed. ( )
    “A pre-existing condition health insurance program established by Obamacare is already straining its own budget and, to control costs, the administration’s Health and Human Services Department (HHS) has stopped enrolling any new people in the program, according to an audit by the General Accountability Office (GAO).
    In addition, to further control spending, HHS has directed the program to shift more of the costs onto the current enrollees, thus raising the out-of-pocket health care expenses for the people with pre-existing conditions.
    “Finally, due to growing concerns about the rate of PCIP [Pre-existing Condition Insurance Program] spending, in February 2013, CCIIO [under HHS] suspended PCIP enrollment to ensure the appropriated funding would be sufficient to cover claims for current enrollees through the end of the program,” states the GAO report, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Enrollment and Spending in the Early Retiree Reinsurance and Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan Programs.
    Feel free to read the GAO REPORT:

  28. Princess Leia June 3, 2013 8:06 pm

    Archie Bunker – representative of your typical Republican.

  29. Juan Domingo Peron June 4, 2013 9:26 am

    Archie Bunker: A conservative “caricature” born out of a feverish “liberal” mind. That is how liberals see us , as a caricature. Liberals have no idea who we really are, what we really think.Their young heads full of mush have been fed a caricature of who conservatives are all their lives, by the media, Hollywood and the “indoctrination complex” otherwise known as the “education” system. And Leia is a perfect example.
    Nevertheless I must add that when Norman Lear created the Archie character he did it with the idea that he would be the character that everyone would hate. He was surprised when Archie, even though a caricature,was actually loved by the millions who followed the show.
    I guess that people back then realized that in the end it was Archie who was working all day , day in and day out, and putting the food on the table so his liberal “meat-head” son in law Micheal could go to college. In other words, Micheal was able to study go to college and even stand on his feet thanks to Archie who worked his ass off. At least Lear got that part right.
    Archie on Washington politicians Democrats and Big Corporations, during the Carter years when we had to “ration” our use of energy.Leia probably never heard of this, but I’m sure you Ron, remember the good old days of the Carter “malaise”.

  30. Princess Leia June 4, 2013 3:59 pm

    In my dealings with Republicans in my neighborhood, they act exactly like Archie – intolerant of opposing views and lifestyles.

  31. Ronald June 4, 2013 7:01 pm

    Juan, I well remember ALL IN THE FAMILY, and it was fun to watch, but you tend to make it out as if Carter was solely responsible for the so called “malaise”, when in actuality, he was ahead of his time on the energy crisis, and we are still too dependent on oil almost 40 years later. And the Arab oil embargo was not caused by Carter, and if Ford had been in office, we still would have had economic problems. But of course, the GOP exploited it as if they had magical solutions, which they did not have, and never do. The fact is that Carter goes down as the third best environmental President, after TR and Nixon! He deserves more credit than he gets, but once he passes from the scene, his ratings will go up as they did for Truman, Nixon and Reagan, and now, to some extent, even Ford!

  32. Juan Domingo Peron June 5, 2013 7:48 am

    We are too dependent on “Foreign Oil”! That is the real issue.

  33. Princess Leia June 5, 2013 8:32 am

    Juan Domingo Peron on June 5, 2013 at 7:48 am said:
    We are too dependent on “Foreign Oil”! That is the real issue.

    Wow! World must be coming to an end! Guano actually agrees with liberals on somthing! 🙂

  34. Juan Domingo Peron June 5, 2013 11:16 am

    Of course! We don’t need Foreign Oil when we could have all we need within our own borders!

  35. Princess Leia June 5, 2013 11:36 am

    And that’s where we liberals part ways with Guano. We believe in weaning off of any oil and using cleaner forms of energy – water, wind, or sun (solar). Better for the environment. 🙂

  36. Juan Domingo Peron June 5, 2013 6:15 pm

    Show me a Boeing or an Airbus that can get off the ground using solar energy, wind power or algae at the same cost as with fossil fuels and I am all in. The solution and new technologies will come as always from the private sector. As soon as that happens ,the fossil fuels industry will disappear, just as many other industries in the past. Schumpeter called it “creative destruction” of the free market. What will not happen is the solution coming from government , that would be crony capitalism, corporatism. Solyndra and many other “green corporations” are an example. Just like corn with bio-fuels, a disaster and waste.

  37. Juan Domingo Peron June 5, 2013 8:32 pm

    Leia: You are truly a drone. I am even starting to admire your extreme “droness”. It must really be hard work…

  38. Princess Leia June 5, 2013 9:15 pm

    Lulz! Typical hypocritical Guano! 🙂

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