The Right Wing Attack On Everything Imaginable!

The Right Wing media propaganda machine has become “expert” at attacking everything imaginable that they consider to be “liberal”, “progressive”, “socialist”, “communist”, or any other left wing ideology they can dream up, and managing to put all of these widely differing philosophies together as stereotypes.

So in no special order, the following have come under attack in a vicious manner over time:

Welfare recipients
Food Stamp recipients
Uninsured people
The Homeless
The Poor
The Unemployed
Foreclosed Homeowners
The Working Poor
The Working Class
The Middle Class
Social Security
College Professors
Liberal Intellectuals
Liberal News Media
Police Officers
Public Service Workers
Labor Unions
Voting Rights
Women’s Rights
Undocumented Immigrants
Gays and Lesbians
Civil Rights Groups
Civil Liberties Groups
Planned Parenthood
Federal Government Agencies
National Public Radio
Public Broadcasting System
Hillary Clinton
Michelle Obama
Joe Biden
Barack Obama

Probably some have been left out, but this is a list which demonstrates the total negativity of the right wing, and why America is rejecting them in their voting behavior!

20 comments on “The Right Wing Attack On Everything Imaginable!

  1. Juan Domingo Peron February 25, 2013 5:46 pm

    Lets see. Welfare recipients and Food Stamp recipients – we sure hate them, we actually want there to be less, we want them to have a job, not to be our indentured voters. The uninsured people, the Homeless,the Poor and the Unemployed-Yes they are detestable, we want none of this, we want them to earn a living and have a dignified life. Foreclosed Homeowners- Well it depends, if you we irresponsible enough to go into a sub-prime mortgage, that is, if you were high risk, you should not have taken advantage of the Government policy that force the banks to give you the loan, and the rest of the people who were responsible in their finances should not be bailing you out. The Working Poor
    The Working Class, The Middle Class- Yes we really hate them, we want the poor to stop being poor and climb up the ladder towards the middle class and more. And for them to pay less taxes, not like this month when everyone in the working poor and middle class got a tax hike. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid- Yes we actually despise these programs that is why we will not do or propose anything to reform them, so they just disappear in a few years! What a minute , that’s what Obama and the Democrats are doing!!Teachers- We love teachers, just can’t stand the teachers UNION Bosses! If I am a conservative, and a teacher, why should my dues go to the Democrat Party? Cri cri..silence. College Professors, Liberal Intellectuals, Liberal News Media and Hollywood-Why yes we hate them, well not them personally, just their ideology! As for college professors, well only if they are liberal/leftist. In any event I still have not heard anyone in the “right wing media” call for their boycott (as many libs have done inversely) or compare them to cancer (as some Progressive Professor’s do). Firefighters and Police Officers-Seriously?!! Conservative hating cops and firefighter? You gotta be kidding! Public Service Workers- We don’t hate them, unless they are useless paper-pushers! Labor Unions- We just don’t appreciate the Trumka, the Stern and the Hoffa types that admire the Chicons!(That’s Communist China). Voting rights and women’s rights- to say we are against citizens voting is just plain dumb. As for women’s rights- We just hate women, we want them barefooted pregnant and in the kitchen cooking! Good grief! Undocumented Immigrants- You mean Illegal Immigrants. Well yes we kind of don’t appreciate people violating our immigration laws. Otherwise we love immigrants! We welcome them all, for the 4 corners of the earth. But if we are going to give amnesty to those entering illegally and have an open border policy, well I would tell the Republican party to send invitation letters to the embassy all those countries that were behind the Iron curtain, Poland, Chec Republic, Slovenia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Hungary, the ex-Soviet Republics in Asia and the Baltic, all those who have lived under communism plus India and Pakistan and invite them over, have them legalized and made citizens! If demographic is the name of the game then demographics it is!! Gays and lesbians-hey let them convince their fellow citizens of changing the definition of marriage in each state, but don’t have unelected judges do it. Muslims-We love Muslims, we just despise Islamist movement which is a different thing. Environmentalist- We despise the unhinged Soviet Protection Agency a.k.a the EPA. and the no-growth environmentalist nut-job extremist. But we love the environment.Civil Rights Groups and Civil Liberties Groups-We would have no problem with them if the were not in reality the Civil Rights of “Progressive” Groups and the Civil Liberties of “Progressive” Groups. Planned Parenthood- Why would we support an organization that “profits” by killing unborn babies? Federal Government Agencies-Oh we love those, just as healthy cells love cancer cells, they multiply and absorb everything without limit whatsoever. There ability to spread and dictate our everyday lives spreading it tentacles up our …never-mind. NPR and PBS – We used to love those ,until they became the National Progressive Radio and the Progressive Broadcasting System. Obama-Care-Conveniently all the crap about this scheme is starting to come into effect this year, after the election so people are starting to realize what a mistake that was. It was a big Oops! Science-We never really understand why the left equates science to consensus. Science is anything but consensus. If Einstein would have just accepted the consensus of Newtons laws, well where would we be. Science is always doubt and inquiry. You know, the scientific method, not religion. Like the followers of Al Gore, the leader of the religion of global warming or is it climate change?? Hillary Clinton-Actually we feel sorry for her, having William “BJ” Jefferson Clinton as a husband and then losing to Barack Obama and having to be his Secretary of State in the era of US capitulation worldwide. Poor woman! Michelle Obama-Actually if she had never said the infamous phrase “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country,” and wouldn’t be going around scolding parents about what their kids eat, she would be kind of bearable. Joe “Plugs’ Biden-He’s a joke really. The Dumbest Man in the Senate who became VP. Barack Hussein Obama: We think just as highly of him as the left, the media and the Democrat party thinks of Ronald Reagan!

  2. Ronald February 25, 2013 5:57 pm

    Juan, you are unbelievably sarcastic, nasty, and cynical, but that is, clearly, your personality, that always looks for the negative, just like the Right Wing Media. I was laughing at some points, but at other points, really wondered why you have such feelings. You probably could use some help to overcome your obvious resentments! But you also provide “entertainment” for my blog, so I thank you, which probably will annoy you! 🙂 LOL

  3. Juan Domingo Peron February 25, 2013 8:05 pm

    I always look for the negative?? LOL Have you been listening to our dear leader lately?? Armageddon is coming just around the corner with his sequester BS! Have you been listening to the media this week? Have you watched or listened to the media during the 8yrs Bush was in office? As a matter of fact don’t you recall how the media treated Reagan ,”He did have a real grasp of the issues..” and so on? I’m just trying to be a little humorous, sarcastic and not really taking your post seriously just like I try not to take seriously the media because if I did I’d be miserable and life is to beautiful to be miserable over politics! It is a truism of American life that unless a conservative/classic liberal turns off all technology, grabs a gun and a dog, and heads for the hills, he will be exposed to an avalanche of leftist/progressive/liberal/statist thought and ideas — in education, television, movies, and the Internet. Leftist/progressive/liberals/statist, by contrast, can and often do live lives isolated from conservative/classic liberal thought, and their ignorance of our ideas is breathtaking. I was first exposed to progressive/liberalism ignorance of conservatism/classic liberalism when I was a new law student here at UM and had just walked out of a class with my ears still ringing from the boos, hisses, and jeers at my conservative/classic liberal arguments. A classmate came up to me and said, “I wish they’d let you speak. I’d never heard anything like what you were saying and wanted to hear more.” I was shocked. I was merely making a standard conservative/classic liberal argument — breaking no new ideological ground. “You’ve never heard an argument like that? Where did you go to college?” “Princeton.” he said. Little did he know that when I was his age I was a leftist progressive liberal almost a Marxist myself.

  4. Ronald February 25, 2013 8:58 pm

    Juan, I fully realize that you were being somewhat humorous in your sarcasm. I am surprised to hear that you went from left to right over time, when I have always felt the same way over my lifetime. I have always been suspicious of those who “switch sides”, never fully trusting them, as with Reagan for instance, or Ariana Huffington. But you are entitled to your viewpoint, and I respect that, and am sorry that you were hissed and booed, as that is not proper behavior in any forum.

  5. Juan Domingo Peron February 25, 2013 10:23 pm

    Actually I find the shift very normal. When one is young it is easy to fall to sirens call of the left. But when you realize that left takes certain “apparent truths” to impose a lie, then some tend to rebel. As I did. I then realized the importance and significance of individual freedoms and rights as opposed to the so called “social rights”.

  6. D February 26, 2013 3:31 pm

    Juan writes:

    “… When one is young it is easy to fall to sirens call of the left.”

    Translation is that this says Democratic Party.

    If this was actually limited to just the “young,” the Republicans would have won the U.S. Popular Vote more than once over the last six election cycles.

  7. Ronald February 26, 2013 3:53 pm

    D, you have hit it right on the mark, again! Thanks!

  8. Juan Domingo Peron February 26, 2013 4:37 pm

    Some people just never grow up and remain immature are their lives….

  9. Ronald February 26, 2013 4:44 pm

    Oh Juan, that is so presumptive and nasty, as if there are not many who feel a social justice commitment to those less fortunate, throughout their lives, and believe government is good, not evil. Just because some change as you have does not mean that others who keep their earlier views are not sincere and mature!

  10. Juan Domingo Peron February 26, 2013 4:51 pm

    Politically speaking I should add…

  11. Juan Domingo Peron February 26, 2013 5:01 pm

    I never said that those true believers are not sincere..But sincerity has nothing to do with it. I mean even the Nazis were sincere in their hatred toward the Jews, Slavs , Christians and so on. As well as the Communist towards anyone who dissented. As for government being good or bad, again, only people are good or bad , and people with unlimited power tend to do bad things , even if their intentions are good. So again I don’t hate government if it is constrained, otherwise men holding power don’t have a great record if they are not limited in some manner.Is that so difficult to understand? Good grief haven’t you seen what the different “apparatchik” have done and do in certain countries? Also,you cannot stop viewing issues through the lens of intentions, and since only you, and the left have good intentions anyone who opposes your solutions must have bad intentions and therefore is automatically disqualified and attacked as a heartless SOB. LOL! That’s the oldest trick in the book. You of course do it unintentionally, almost as a reflex, but I have seen and learned how it used as an intentional tactic.

  12. Ronald February 26, 2013 5:15 pm

    What gets me is how many conservatives who are “religious” use their religion to justify their politics, when anyone who understands Jesus and Moses knows that they would have been compassionate and open minded and tolerant, unlike so many conservatives who only seem to worry about avoiding taxes and do not care about the effect of cuts on the elderly, the sick, children, women, and the poor. And there are conservatives who are also using Christianity to promote anti Semitism, even though Jesus was Jewish and never was a Christian! The hypocrisy of so many “religious” people is overwhelming!

  13. D February 26, 2013 5:35 pm

    Juan writes: “Some people just never grow up and remain immature are their lives….”

    The breakdown in the four age groups tend to go like this:

    • 18 to 29: Democratic
    • 30 to 44: Tossup
    • 45 to 64: Tossup
    • 65+: Republican

    That is the breakdown nationally.

    The in-between groups tend to yield the result.

    So, what you are effectively saying is the 65+ have it correct. Well, that’s a feeling…and you’re allowed to it. As am I.

    Had the Democrats (and this is my criticism of them) cared to landslide Mitt Romney and his v.p. Paul Ryan, they could have run much more on Ryan’s grand scheme to take apart Medicare. But the Democrats weren’t interested in a landslide. (Let’s hear it for those “swing states”! Hooray, horse race!) Apparently it was satisfying enough for the Democratic pickup of New York’s 26th Congressional District in a special election from the spring of 2011. (The seniors did show up for that one. And they didn’t support the Republican.)

  14. Juan Domingo Peron February 26, 2013 9:41 pm

    Ronald, what on earth are you talking about?? Conservatives are antisemitic??? Where are earth do you live? In any event lets say for argument sake that there are some nut-jobs, does that mean that all religious people, or conservative who are religious are nut-jobs? It’s truly amazing how the left it quick to paint with a broad brush all conservatives but instantly go on to defend Islamist terrorist extremist stating precisely that we should not consider all muslim as extremist when in reality know one has. In any event if there are any “conservatives who use Christianity to promote antisemitism” I am not going to defend them whoever they are. It’s absurd. As for cuts that would affect the elderly poor and children, that’s just another insulting statement that isn’t worth even considering. You actually don’t realize how insulting you are , do you?

  15. Ronald February 26, 2013 9:50 pm

    There are so called “Christian” pastors who are anti Semitic. I am not saying ALL conservatives and religious Chrisitians are so–of course not–but in the name of the faith and conservative values, there are such examples—and to say that Republicans are not concerned about the effect of budget cuts on the elderly, poor, children, the sick–their behavior gives us the answers!

  16. Juan Domingo Peron February 26, 2013 10:56 pm

    What budget cuts are you talking about?? When have we ever cut the budget! How about we start cutting here this for example, just to start.
    1. A reality TV show in India. The Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program spends $200 million a year to help U.S. agricultural trade associations and cooperatives advertise their products in foreign markets. In 2011, it funded a reality TV show in India that advertised U.S. cotton.
    2. Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
    3. Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years. It has never broken even on these services.
    4. Using military exercises to boost biofuels. The U.S. Navy bought 450,000 gallons of biofuels for $12 million—or almost $27 per gallon—to conduct exercises to showcase the fuel and bring it closer toward commercialization. It is the largest biofuel purchase ever made by the government.
    5. Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.
    6. “RoboSquirrel.” $325,000 was spent on a robotic squirrel named “RoboSquirrel.” This National Science Foundation grant was used to create a realistic-looking robotic squirrel for the purpose of studying how a rattlesnake would react to it.
    7. Cupcakes. In Washington, D.C., and elsewhere across the country, cupcake shops are trending. The 10 cupcake shop owners who received $2 million in Small Business Administration loan guarantees, however, can only boast so much of their entrepreneurial ingenuity, since taxpayers are backing them up.
    8. Food stamps for alcohol and junk food. Though they were intended to ensure hungry children received healthy meals, taxpayer-funded food stamps were instead spent on fast food at Taco Bell and Burger King; on non-nutritious foods such as candy, ice cream, and soft drinks; and on some 2,000 deceased persons in New York and Massachusetts. Food stamp recipients spent $2 billion on sugary drinks alone. Improper SNAP payments accounted for $2.5 billion in waste, including to one exotic dancer who was making $85,000 per year.
    9. Beer brewing in New Hampshire. Despite Smuttynose brewery’s financial success and popularity, it is still getting a $750,970 Community Development Block Grant to build a new brewery and restaurant facilities.
    10. A covered bridge to nowhere. What list of government waste would be complete without a notorious “bridge to nowhere”? In this case, it’s $520,000 to fix the Stevenson Road Covered Bridge in Green County, Ohio, which was last used in 2003.
    11. $75,000 to promote awareness about the role Michigan plays in producing Christmas trees & poinsettias.
    12. $15.3 million for one of the infamous Bridges to Nowhere in Alaska.
    13. $113,227 for video game preservation center in New York.
    14. $550,000 for a documentary about how rock music contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
    15. $48,700 for 2nd annual Hawaii Chocolate Festival, to promote Hawaii’s chocolate industry.
    16. $350,000 to support an International Art Exhibition in Venice, Italy.
    17. $10 million for a remake of “Sesame Street” for Pakistan.
    18. $35 million allocated for political party conventions in 2012.
    19. $765,828 to subsidize “pancakes for yuppies” in the nation’s capital.
    20. $764,825 to study how college students use mobile devices for social networking.
    21. The U.S. government is spending $750,000 on a new soccer field for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.
    22. The U.S. government plans to spend between 16 and 20 million dollars helping students from Indonesia get master’s degrees.
    23. The U.S. government has spent $175,587 “to determine if cocaine makes Japanese quail engage in sexually risky behavior”.
    24. The U.S. government spent $200,000 on “a tattoo removal program” in Mission Hills, California.
    25. The federal government has shelled out $3 million to researchers at the University of California at Irvine to fund their research on video games such as World of Warcraft. Wouldn’t we all love to have a “research job” like that?
    26. The Department of Health and Human Services plans to spend $500 million on a program that will, among other things, seek to solve the problem of 5-year-old children that “can’t sit still” in a kindergarten classroom.
    27. Fannie Mae is about to ask the federal government for another $4.6 billion bailout, and it will almost certainly get it.
    28. The federal government once spent 30 million dollars on a program that was designed to help Pakistani farmers produce more mangoes.
    29. The U.S. Department of Agriculture once gave researchers at the University of New Hampshire $700,000 to study methane gas emissions from dairy cows.
    30. According to USA Today, 13 different government agencies “fund 209 different science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education programs — and 173 of those programs overlap with at least one other program.”
    31. A total of $615,000 was given to the University of California at Santa Cruz to digitize photos, T-shirts and concert tickets belonging to the Grateful Dead.
    32. China lends us more money than any other foreign nation, but that didn’t stop our government from spending 17.8 million dollars on social and environmental programs for China.
    33. The U.S. government spent 2.6 million dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly.
    34. One professor at Stanford University was given $239,100 to study how Americans use the Internet to find love.
    35. The U.S. Postal Service spent $13,500 on a single dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.
    36. The National Science Foundation spent $216,000 to study whether or not politicians “gain or lose support by taking ambiguous positions”.
    37. A total of $1.8 million was spent on a “museum of neon signs” in Las Vegas, Nevada.
    38. The federal government spends 25 billion dollars a year maintaining federal buildings that are either unused or totally vacant.
    39. U.S. farmers are given a total of $2 billion each year for not farming their land.
    40. The U.S. government handed one Tennessee library $5,000 for the purpose of hosting a series of video game parties.
    41. A few years ago the government spent $123,050 on a Mother’s Day Shrine in Grafton, West Virginia. It turns out that Grafton only has a population of a little more than 5,000 people.
    42. One professor at Dartmouth University was given $137,530 to create a “recession-themed” video game entitled “Layoff”.
    43. The U.S. military spent “$998,798 shipping two 19-cent washers from South Carolina to Texas and $293,451 sending an 89-cent washer from South Carolina to Florida”.
    44. The U.S. Department of Agriculture once shelled out $30,000 to a group of farmers to develop a tourist-friendly database of farms that host guests for overnight “haycations”.
    45. The National Institutes of Health paid researchers $400,000 to find out why gay men in Argentina engage in risky sexual behavior when they are drunk.
    46. The National Institutes of Health also once spent $442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam.
    47. The National Institutes of Health loves to spend our tax money on really bizarre things. The NIH once spent $800,000 in “stimulus funds” to study the impact of a “genital-washing program” on men in South Africa.
    48. According to the Washington Post, 1,271 different government organizations work on government programs related to counter-terrorism and homeland security.
    49. The U.S. government spent $100,000 on a “Celebrity Chef Fruit Promotion Road Show in Indonesia”.
    50. The feds once gave Alaska Airlines $500,000 “to paint a Chinook salmon” on the side of a Boeing 737.
    This is only a tiny showcase of the scandalous spending, or as I say corruption and theft that infests our government. And you are going to tell me that the bastards who spend our money this way, who are piling mountain of debt on our future generations care about the children, the elderly and the poor!! ?? You are going to tell me that these rotten politicians and government bureaucrats ( and I grant there are exceptions, but too few unfortunately) care more about the needy than the millions of American who happen to be conservatives? That these thieves care more than the millions who go to church and do charity work without the oversight of a government bureaucrat. Or that these corrupt politicians care more or do more than the thousands of corporations that through their Community Funds help the communities in which they are established? And they do this with the money they have earned. That the people who have converted the government into a bacchanal of waste and theft care about those in need? How do you expect anyone to have respect for these people and our government? A government that treats us as idiot claiming that the world is going to end if we spend 2 cents less out of every dollar we plan to spend! That we will suffer greatly this year even though we spend more than last year! You want me to believe that these SOB’s, whether they be Democrat or Republican, actually care more than the average American. The problem with people like you, who are progressive, is that you actually believe they do! And in believing that many , not saying you do, but many take it as a cop-out and do not personally help those in need. Why should I, after all I pay my taxes and the government will take care of it? In the end, you know what you get. A society that is less supportive and where the spirit of solidarity is lost.

  17. Ronald February 26, 2013 11:10 pm

    My gosh, Juan, where did you get such a detailed list?

    Obviously, Juan, there is waste, no debate about that, but not all of the above would be considered waste by everyone. So I suppose that with the Sequester about to go through, we will see whether what you claim is true, and if the cuts do not cause any real grief, you can declare victory, but I wish the Congress and the President would have followed earlier plans for cuts, instead of setting it up as it is now. We shall see what happens!

  18. Juan Domingo Peron February 26, 2013 11:36 pm

    Of course they are going to cause grief! That’s the point. Instead of cutting the measly 2% from the abundant examples a just put forth, they will cut where it is more visible and painful. You mean to say, that the DOT doesn’t have hundreds of paper pushers as I call them to furlough instead of the people who operate the control towers? I know for a fact how the DOT works. You mean to say the U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement needs to release illegal immigrants from its detention centers? See: . We are spending more than last year , yet all this is happening? Our own government , your own President Barack Obama, his administration told us 2 years ago that there is about $120 Billion in wasteful spending! Yet will he cut there? Of course not! To the extent that it is possible, people must feel the pain, so as to never again accept cuts in FUTURE GROWTH of government spending. Baseline budgeting must be protected at all cost. Barack Obama is defending tooth and nails the right of government to always grow, and to spend without end. That philosophy must be defended no matter what. Otherwise the whole premise of his statist big government agenda will be undermined. As you said, big government is here to stay. But it cannot be here to stay if people accept its growth can be cut.

  19. Hoopster March 1, 2013 6:02 pm


    Even with this sequester, government spending in 2013 will be higher than last year. So can you please stop it with all your gross generalizations about what conservatives only care about? It makes you sound really uninformed.

  20. Ronald March 1, 2013 6:41 pm

    You may think I am “really uninformed”, but that is simply because you do not wish to see the truth, Hoopster. I am NOT generalizing, but rather presenting specific details that may make you feel uncomfortable, and cause you to accuse me of what you are unwilling to accept!

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