The Middle Class Reacting To Romney-Ryan, And Their Promotion Of The Oligarchy

Both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are being besieged by demonstrators at campaign events, who reject their attack on the middle class, and their promotion of the oligarchy, the top two percent, who already have more concentration of wealth than at any time in American history, including the Gilded Age and the 1920s.

It is clear that nearly 80 percent of the American people, based upon polls, do not want Medicare turned into a voucher system. It is also clear that women are not going to accept the limits on their rights that Republicans are promoting in Congress and in many Republican controlled state legislatures.

The growing feeling is that this Romney-Ryan team could be the most radical right wing combination we have seen in Republican Party history, with the exception of Barry Goldwater in 1964, and even he came out for an attack on social conservatism and the power of religion in the GOP, backing gay rights and abortion rights, in his older years.

It is not promising when Paul Ryan is revealed to have agreed with radio talk show host Glenn Beck that progressivism and liberalism was a “cancer”, in a radio interview in 2010.

In other words, what this author said over the weekend about the inflexibility and ideological extremism of Paul Ryan is not just theory, but based on evidence, not only in that radio interview, but in the dealings of the House Budget Committee majority under Paul Ryan’s leadership, adopting a budget with massive tax cuts for the wealthy, while cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Pell Grants, Food Stamps, and many other programs!

Notice that the popularity rating of the Congress, particularly of the House and its leadership, is at an all time low, hovering around 12 percent.

If Mitt Romney thought selection of Paul Ryan was going to invigorate his campaign, he was right in a certain sense. It has caused the beginning of the outrage of middle class Americans who are not going to allow the GOP team to destroy America as a land of opportunity, and the last great hope of mankind, and instead just promote the elite wealthy!

The Tea Party Movement had its opportunity to confront and challenge Barack Obama and his health care plan in 2009-2010, in a very vigorous and disruptive manner at political rallies and town halls.

Now, those who are opposed to the narrow mindedness of the Tea Party Movement are getting their opportunity to express their anger, as if we allow one side to be outspoken, the other side has the same opportunity. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press still exist, even for those who disagree with Glenn Beck and Paul Ryan! This is a democracy, not a dictatorship of the RIght!

17 comments on “The Middle Class Reacting To Romney-Ryan, And Their Promotion Of The Oligarchy

  1. Rich Williams August 14, 2012 12:42 am

    Yep, another progressive drinking the kool-aide while glued to msnbc (massively spun nonsensical bullshit commentary) having a “tingle fest” with chris matthews. You can paint Paul Ryan however you want. The same thing was tried with Scott Walker and failed miserably (it was quite funny to watch, actually.) It made my heart all warm and fuzzy watching barrett snivel and whine through his concession speech. So, with that said, I look forward to many angry nights for liberals after your LOSER and THIEF is booted out on his ass. I also look forward to the ASS KICKING that idiot joe biden is about to get from Paul Ryan. Be progressive…I don’t care. You won’t be running this country again…for a very long time. Later proggy.

  2. Bella August 14, 2012 1:03 pm

    I suppose I should just hand over my uterus to do with as you please since you’re so certain of the results of this November.

    Also, way to invalidate the author’s points without actually addressing them. Like THAT hasn’t ever been done before!

  3. Gustavo August 14, 2012 1:14 pm

    Oligarchy?? Now that really is using antiquated language. And that’s suppose to be looking “forward”?

  4. Bella August 14, 2012 1:18 pm

    Oh no! Big words that have been used for longer than I’ve been alive! However will this country survive!?!?!?!

  5. Ronald August 14, 2012 1:35 pm

    Bella, debate is good, but I agree it would be nice to make a point that makes sense, and sadly, much of what is being thrown at me makes no sense, but oh well! 🙁 It is clear that Romney-Ryan will be a disaster nationally, so cheer up!

  6. Bella August 14, 2012 3:42 pm

    You certainly have more patience than I do, Professor. =)

  7. Ronald August 14, 2012 5:10 pm

    It is part of the requirement of being a professor, and being
    professional in attitude! 🙂

  8. Maggie August 15, 2012 12:04 am

    I know Professor…because I am an academic also..and we are supposed to maintian a professional demeanor and attitude in our communication……but….Rich Williams really needs me right now.
    Rich, unless your are a funtional illiterate, how about you man up and support some of your ugly rhetoric (I bet your mother is quite proud) with some factual data? Oh I understand you right wingers believe if you can’t beat someone in an intelligent debate, all is not lost. You can still call them vile names. In your eyes..then you win, right? What do the demons say when they visit you at night? Do they coach you on being a wacktivist? LOL!
    Since you seem to believe you are an about listing all the job creating bills the republican congress has written (with the laser focus they talk about) and passed since they took the majority in Jan 2011, then list all the abortion bills they have written and then list all the post offices they have named….you’re going to love this! Yeah post office name…lots and lots of them!

    Need some help? I refer you to a day by list, known as the congressional record,,,,of activites of the congress. This website link summarizes the activites in an easy to read format….
    Get back to us after you’ve read it OK ?
    You might need something other than koolaid (if you’re old enough) after you see exactly what your boys and girls have been up to…

  9. Maggie August 15, 2012 12:07 am

    Sorry Professor, I’m older and I neither have the patience of Job, nor the tolerance for RWNJ hatriots who troll these blogs. Do I have to go to the back of the class?

  10. Maggie August 15, 2012 12:10 am

    “Oligarchy?? Now that really is using antiquated language. And that’s suppose to be looking “forward”?”

    Really? Antiquated language??? You’re being funny, right? Seriously?
    Please tell me you’re not in college…

  11. Maggie August 15, 2012 12:11 am

    NEXT ?

  12. Gustavo August 16, 2012 12:55 pm

    Again, please provide evidence in the text of the proposal in which he endes Medicare.

  13. Ronald August 16, 2012 3:59 pm

    If Medicare becomes a voucher system under the Ryan plan, then Medicare is no longer what it has been, and the recipients will be way short of the necessary coverage without a major out of pocket expense, thousands of dollars per year.

    Also realize that Ryan has had TWO different plans, different in details, but now he is backing away from both, because he realizes they are dynamite in the present atmosphere, and could not pass unless the GOP wins both houses and the Presidency, god forbid! 🙁

  14. Gustavo August 16, 2012 8:25 pm

    Again, you do realize that the voucher system would be an option for us under 55. Nothing changer for current recipients and people 55 and up. Also if Congressmen have that option ,why can’t the rest of us have it? Why must the statist alway be authoritarian? Actually you have no other option if you are a statist, its their essence.

  15. Ronald August 16, 2012 8:54 pm

    Anyone who accepts a voucher system when it provides LESS support, would have to be a moron, quite frankly.

    If you want to do that, fine, but it should not be forced on anyone, or victimize people who like to think of themselves as conservatives and “self reliant”, and don’t understand the intricacies of health care legislation and would make a decision that would impoverish them in their old age!

  16. Gustavo August 16, 2012 9:29 pm

    Its an option, but in your opinion people are stupid and can’t make their own decisions. That just about confirms once again what every statist believes and you are truly coming across as a bonafide progressive (statist). It’s really interesting but you repeat every word of the liberal script down to the last coma…
    You do realize that today more and more doctors are refusing medicare patients, don’t you? And I believe you know wht. Well I guess, I mean, I know that for your and your fellow “progressives” the future solution to this is a single payer , all out nationalized system of healthcare. So there, no more freedom of choice for patients and doctors, all must work for the common good, the motherland…

  17. Ronald August 16, 2012 10:08 pm

    Many people cannot make their own decisions, sad to say, because of ignorance and gullibility. You know that is the truth, but it seems like you do not care about people being victimized!

    And a single payer system is not a tragedy, as it would provide better health care, but you need to stop the thought of totalitarianism as being part of the American future. The government is NOT the evil you make it out to be. If everyone has health care, it saves lives, and makes for a better, longer life for all. Better than 40-50 million having no health care or an ER, which is an expensive, ineffective method of health care delivery!

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