The Republican Party Establishment In Panic: Jeb Bush, George Will, Haley Barbour

The Republican Party Establishment is fully aware that the party is doomed if it follows the crazy path being tread by Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul.

These candidates are absolutely a calamity big time.

Mitt Romney spends time talking about the height of the trees in Michigan; the fact that his wife has two Cadillacs; the concept that he likes firing people; jokes about being “unemployed”; suggests a tax plan that would be worse than that under George W. Bush in cutting taxes on the wealthy; and continues to say that the auto industry bailout was a bad idea even though it saved between one and two million jobs.

Rick Santorum talks about Satan taking over America; attacks public education and higher education as promoting secular humanism; advocates the end of contraception availability to women; condemns homosexuality in the most extreme language; advocates religion in government; and calls for war on Iran immediately.

Newt Gingrich says that Barack Obama is dangerous to American security; calls for immediate action on Day One to wipe out everything Barack Obama has promoted; calls for a moon colony despite no funds available for it anytime soon; brags about his own brilliance and intellect and knowledge; has no shame about his moral lapses; and enjoys stirring a “hornet’s nest” and being a “flame thrower”.

Ron Paul calls for the elimination of the Federal Reserve; the immediate withdrawal of our troops from all nations overseas; the ending of five federal government agencies; is for massive immediate cuts in the federal budget;
believes in no regulation of corporations; and is a total advocate of libertarianism.

All four are a true disaster, and we have heard the lament from Establishment figures.

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush deplores the promotion of fear and emotion; while George Will, of ABC’s THIS WEEK and also a Washington Post columnist, states that none of the candidates have made a good case for the nomination; and former Mississippi Governor and Republican National Chairman Haley Barbour also is critical of the performance of the candidates for the Republican nomination.

Whether anything can be done to avoid electoral disaster is very hard to predict at this point, but a sense of foreboding is clearly evident in Republican circles!

One comment on “The Republican Party Establishment In Panic: Jeb Bush, George Will, Haley Barbour

  1. Engineer Of Knowledge February 24, 2012 9:38 pm

    Hello Professor,
    President Johnson took the pro-active aspects of doing what was right and allowing the Old Southern Guard “Blue Dog” Democrats leave the party because they did not like THOSE NEGROS to have any rights allowing them to intermingling with us GOD FEARING WHITE FOLKS.

    Just after President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Law he quipped, “We have lost the South for a generation.”

    The segregationists fled the Democratic Party and white voters in the South began to vote for Republicans. The former solid Democratic South is today solid Republican.

    The Democratic Party allowed the members who belonged to the Klan, John Birch, etc. leave the Party due to the 1964 Civil Rights Bill signed and for the long run good of the Party.

    Even the once respected conservative William F. Buckley Jr. wrote at the inception of his magazine, “The National Review,” “It is the job of centralized government (in peacetime) to protect its citizens’ lives, liberty and property. All other activities of government tend to diminish freedom and hamper progress.” Buckley and his editors used his magazine to define the boundaries of conservatism and to exclude people or ideas or groups they considered unworthy of the conservative title. Buckley’s first challenge was to purge the American right of its “kooks.” Therefore they attacked the Klan, Ayn Rand, the John Birch Society, George Wallace and Neo Nazi anti-Semites. (Ron Paul thought so much of Ayn Rand that he named his son, Rand Paul, after him.)

    But with today’s Republicans are trying to pass laws mandating vaginal probes and abolishing contraception!

    The Republican Party welcomed the KOOKS into the Party when they sent Maryland Governor Spiro T. Agnew into the south to welcome them into the Republican ranks. It was his success in doing so that made Nixon’s people sit up and take notice of this Republican Governor from Maryland. He was asked to run as Vice President because he would bring in that southern vote in 1968…..and the rest is history.

    So I guess the question left at this point is, when will the Republican Party grow a conscience and purge the “Reactionary Right” from not only their major influences but from the rank and files all together.

    In today’s Gush Limblob view of the Republican Party…even William F. Buckley Jr. would be a RINO.

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