Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton And Buyer’s Remorse

In the midst of all of the economic problems we face, new polls indicate “buyer’s remorse” among Democrats and the general public regarding the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency, instead of Hillary Clinton, in 2008.

Hillary Clinton has become the most popular public figure in America, but as her husband Bill Clinton says, it is because she is further away from politics, and is regarded as having done a fantastic job as Secretary of State.

This is a smart assessment of the situation, as one when looks back on the Bill Clinton Presidency, and remembers the vicious attacks on Hillary Clinton as First Lady by the Right, can one really believe that a President Hillary Clinton would be gaining any greater cooperation from Republicans in Congress, conservatives on Fox News Channel, or radio talk show hosts?

Hillary Clinton may have her fans and supporters, but to think of her as having an easy time uniting the nation, is to dwell in fantasy land.

We are actually better off with Hillary Clinton doing a superb job as Secretary of State, helping to promote a foreign policy that is, overall, one of the strong points of the Obama Presidency!

One comment on “Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton And Buyer’s Remorse

  1. Michael Rivera September 18, 2011 11:39 am

    Excellent point Ron. I think one who reads into this poll too much suffers from a short term memory. Few political figures in recent history have been more divisive than the Clintons; and Hillary Clinton in particular, with her health care initiative in the 90’s, was a favorite target of the GOP. Considering the health care debate is still the most contentious political topic in this country, there is no logic supporting the idea that Clinton would somehow be more popular if she were the president.This is certainly an example of the grass being greener on the other side. Let’s not forget the moment during the previous campaign when an elderly lady asked how “the b**ch” was going to be stopped, and Sen. McCain replied, “that’s a great question.” Hillary Clinton has served well as Secretary of State, but her odds of uniting the country during great political division are slim to nil.

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