“Reconciliation” And Health Care Legislation: Time For Action!

As the Health Care Summit is about to occur on Thursday, it is clear that the Obama Administration intends to use “reconciliation” if the Republicans refuse to budge on the issue, which is seen as extremely likely.

The statement by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell that such action would be “unprecedented” is pure propaganda, as it has been used under earlier Presidents.

But also research shows that the Children’s Health Care program and expansion of Medicaid to more children, and many other extensions of Medicare coverage have been brought about by “reconciliation” since the Reagan Administration onward.

So after the summit tomorrow, IF the GOP refuses to cooperate, it is time to follow that tactic, and if need be, use Vice President Joe Biden to break a tie, as Al Gore broke a tie on the Clinton economic plan in 1993, which led to the greatest period of economic expansion in US History in the 1990s.

Enough of bipartisanship, which requires both parties to cooperate! If the Republicans don’t, then do what must be done to extend health care to many millions of Americans who are entitled to have the same access to health care that Dick Cheney and Bob Dole are receiving right now!

2 comments on ““Reconciliation” And Health Care Legislation: Time For Action!

  1. Carl February 27, 2010 1:25 pm

    And how is it any of us are “entitled” to health care?
    Who pays for it so we can be entitled?
    Yes, I’d like it, but unless I earn it for my family, how can I ask you to pay for mine?


  2. Ronald February 27, 2010 1:57 pm

    All of us pay for education, police, fire protection, social security, medicare, and numerous other public services. We also pay for people who go to emergency rooms and receive medical care, who cannot pay for it. It is part of life that we all pay out and also receive services over a lifetime. We do not live on an island by ourselves, and providing health care for those millions who do not have it is an entitlement, as 45,000 people a year on the average lose their lives because of lack of adequate medical care. This is more annually than killed in our wars, or in auto accidents. It is the moral thing to do, and religion teaches us to care for thy fellow man!

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