Day: December 23, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Right To Demand Fair Impeachment Trial, But Mitch McConnell Has Control, So Trial May Be Delayed

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is delaying the sending of the two impeachment articles against Donald Trump to the Senate, due to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s plans to stage a phony trial, without any witnesses or evidence.

So it is a game of the powerful woman leader of the lower house of Congress against the powerful male leader of the US Senate.

The result may be an extended delay in the commencement of the trial, but as Pelosi has said, Donald Trump has still been impeached, only the third such case in American history, and nothing will delete that as part of his legacy, and eventually in his obituary.

Trump has been denounced and condemned as a law breaker, and this insures that he will go down as a Presidential failure and disaster, at the bottom of the list of Presidents for all time, unlikely to rise above any other President on the list.

Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful woman in American history, will go down as one of the greatest Speakers in the history of the House of Representatives, alongside Sam Rayburn, Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, and Henry Clay.

And Mitch McConnell will go down as one of the worst Senate Majority Leaders, who refused to move the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016, refusing even a hearing; who has been a total lackey to Donald Trump, and with his wife Elaine Chao being Secretary of Transportation under Trump; and who has sat on nearly 400 pieces of legislation passed by the House of Representatives in 2019, as the Senate becomes totally ineffective as a legislative body.

Hopefully, the state of Kentucky, where his public opinion ratings are the lowest of any Senator, will defeat him and retire him in November 2020 when he comes up for reelection after 36 years in the upper chamber.