Day: January 25, 2015

Please! Donald Trump, Do Us All A Favor! Keep On Making Money, Spewing Your Stupid Thoughts, But Do NOT Run For President!

It is hard to believe, but egotist Donald Trump is talking again about running for President, claiming that only he can save the nation from disaster in the future.

Donald Trump has never held public office; has gone bankrupt a few times; has made a total fool of himself with his “birther” theories about Barack Obama; has become engaged in ridiculous controversies on a regular basis; has been married three times; and comes across as obnoxious, brusque, nasty, mean spirited, confrontational, and often, purely stupid in his statements and actions!

Donald Trump is NOT qualified to be President of the United States, and nearing the age of 70 with no government experience, he has no background qualifications to be our President, and his domestic life experience disqualifies him as a poor role model on ethics and morality.

So, please, Donald Trump, do us all a favor! Keep on making money, spewing your stupid thoughts, but do NOT run for President, and leave the Republican Party free to find someone who will not be acceptable to the nation, but at least has served time in government!