Day: October 26, 2011

16,000 Severely Wounded Soldiers Have Come Home From Afghanistan And Iraq: Our Commitment To Them Must Have No Boundaries!

A new report from the Department of Veterans Affairs demonstrates just how horrifying the interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq have been to our soldiers.

The shocking total of 16,000 soldiers have been severely wounded, losing arms, legs, portions of their face and skull, and brain injuries, and they come home with the likelihood of 50 or more years of life ahead of them. This does not even include those who look physically fine, but also have mental and emotional problems.

While in the past, most of these young men and women would have died, now they have to face the challenge of finding work, having social interaction, and trying to have as close to a normal life as possible.

Will our government do what needs to be done, morally and ethically, for these people who have sacrificed so much?

One has to wonder if our country will show proper respect and regard for these tragic cases of young men and women sent to fight by a government which had no concept of the disaster of Improved Explosive Devices and other methods that killed so many Americans, and yet led to these survivors who face an uncertain future!

This is an area where NO CUTS to government spending can be allowed, and in fact, funding MUST be increased on a steady basis!

Only 9 Percent In Poll Trust Congress: All Time Low

The reputation of Congress, always seen in a critical way as an institution, has reached a new low in a New York Times-CBS News Poll, with only NINE percent having trust, compared to 89 percent who don’t.

70 percent think the Republicans favor the rich, and want corporations to pay more taxes, and support a more even distribution of wealth.

The disillusionment seems likely to hurt the Republicans more, and Barack Obama, while only having 46 percent in the polls, has been rising, due to his speaking out and campaigning for his jobs bill, and his foreign policy successes.

So while all incumbents, including the President, have to be concerned about the distrust, in many respects Barack Obama is improving his image, while Congress, and particularly the GOP majority in the House, are seeing their image as the worst ever in polling.

This makes trying to predict what will happen to Congress and the Presidency in the upcoming Election of 2012 even more difficult to gauge.