Day: October 21, 2011

Barack Obama: The Foreign Policy Success, Greatest Since World War II!

When one thinks about Presidents and foreign policy, we tend to have the image that Republicans, particularly Richard Nixon and George H. W. Bush, are the great success stories, and to look down on Democrats as better in domestic policy than foreign policy, where they are perceived as weak!

In 2008, Hillary Clinton had commercials that made one wonder if Barack Obama was prepared to make tough decisions at 3 AM, in the area of foreign policy, where he was seen as a novice.

Well, here we are nearly three years into Barack Obama’s term, and what has happened?

1. Obama has had Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, arguably one of the very best in American history!

2. Barack Obama has had great success in improving the image of America worldwide through his cooperation with NATO, the United Nations, and the Arab League, a development no one would ever have believed when he became President!

3. Obama has been successful in the withdrawal from Iraq, which just today he announced would end by Christmas.

4. Obama has been able to move toward the idea of eventual withdrawal from Afghanistan, while not recklessly moving in that direction too quickly.

5. Obama intervened, in just the right amount, in Libya, and has now improved his image in that nation, many flying American flags, as Gaddafi has just, after 42 years, been removed finally as a threat to the international order. And it cost not one American life, only about $2 billion in expenditures, and showed that the international community could work successfully together!

6. Obama has been able to go after dozens of terrorists and eliminate them through our intelligence gathering and our drones, including Osama Bin Laden and Anwar al Awlaki, and these two terrorists, along with Moammar Gaddafi, have been successfully neutralized in a period of less than six months!

7. While there are certainly challenges in foreign policy, particularly with Iran, Pakistan and Venezuela, along with Russia and China, one notices a lot of rhetoric, primarily, as these nations and their leaders have realized that Obama is not a person to “mess with”! They recognize that he is one tough “hombre”!

Compare the record on foreign policy and national security of Obama to George W. Bush, and one wonders why Republicans and conservatives refuse to salute and honor the President for his accomplishments! The obvious answer is that they know this is his major strong point of all, and they are not about to give him the time of day!

Meanwhile, the GOP candidates for President sound like morons, as some of them actually are, when it comes to these issues, and it is clear that our foreign policy and national security would be undermined by a defeat of Barack Obama in 2012!

So the job of the Obama campaign team is to emphasize these achievements, and to work to convince the American people that Obama has more concern and better ideas about how to deal with the economic future, than members of the party who will not even allow funding of extra teachers and first responders because it might raise, very slightly, the tax responsibility of the obscenely rich!

Joe Biden Comment On Rise Of Crime With Cuts In First Responders: Absolutely True!

Vice President Joe Biden has angered conservatives and Republicans with his assertion that cuts in spending and jobs on First Responders have led to increased crime in Flint, Michigan, and Camden, New Jersey, as examples where such budgets have been cut by half!

Using those unfortunate cities as examples, Biden said rapes, burglaries and murders have risen and will rise, with the refusal of Republicans to support spending on First Responders, with the small cost of half a penny tax on millionaires over the first million dollars.

Despite condemnations and denunciations that Biden is encouraging promotion of fear, what he has declared is absolutely true, but it puts the Republicans on the spot, preferring to have the public attention move away from their irresponsibility in voting down the Senate legislation that was rejected last night, toward criticism of the President instead for the nerve to wish to raise taxes on anyone!

Joe Biden should continue to hammer on this point, and let the Republicans and the talk show hosts complain to their heart’s content! Biden should not back off on what is the total truth!

Republican Call For Infrastructure Investment In Libya, But Not In America!

As a result of the death of Moammar Gaddafi in Libya, Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain, among others, are calling for infrastructure spending to rebuild Libya.

While it is certainly honorable to wish to help other nations recover from revolution and civil war, how can these and other neoconservatives say this with a straight face while America’s own infrastructure is crumbling, and Republicans and conservatives refuse to support spending on our roads, schools, bridges, airports, etc, if it means one penny more of taxes on the wealthy?

How short sighted can Republicans be about the future of our own nation, and yet see the significance of involvement overseas? This is beyond all common sense!

Obscene Vote In US Senate On Jobs For Teachers And First Responders: How Can This Be Justified?

In an attempt by Senate Democrats to pass part of President Obama’s jobs plan, a proposal for $35 billion in spending on hiring or retaining 400,00 teachers and first responders was brought up in that chamber last night, resulting in a 50-50 tie, with all 47 Republicans and Democrats Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut joining them in opposition!

The jobs bill had been touted by Vice President Joe Biden as essential to help promote education and safety and security in local communities, and it would have been financed by a half penny tax on millionaires on incomes over one million dollars, meaning if one had two million in income, he would pay $5,000 in extra taxes, a small amount of contribution when compared to income and the public need!

It is shocking that Joe Lieberman would vote against this, and that Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine would vote against this as well!

At a time of the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression, the Senate minority and even a few Democrats seem tone deaf to the reality of what is going on in America!

These 50 Senators are to be condemned for playing politics and being short sighted in a time of need!