Day: June 22, 2010

Glenn Beck’s Attack On Public Education Needs Condemnation!

Glenn Beck is now attacking public education, as a method used to propagandize American school children into acceptance of the conventional viewpoints promoted by government!

He, therefore, called for the abolition of public education, in favor of home schooling and vouchers for charter schools!

In so doing, he is attacking the basis of how we give the majority of the American people the opportunity to improve their social and economic standing!

Apparently, it is alright if Glenn Beck and other talk show hosts on radio, and Fox News Channel, “propagandize” gullible Americans who listen to and watch their conservative drivel, which includes promotion of racism, sexism, religious extremism, and hatred of immigrants, the poor, gays, and people from other cultures and nations! ๐Ÿ™

The fact that Beck promotes what is good for the “haves”, and ignores the “have nots”, is apparently perfectly fine! Providing a “level playing field” is somehow radical and extreme in Beck’s crazy mind! ๐Ÿ™

Glenn Beck is to be called to account for his anti democratic, intolerant rants and raves against public education, and anything else that promotes equal opportunity!

It is time that the American people fully understood how dangerous this man is, and agreed to boycott him and force him off the airwaves as a menace! ๐Ÿ™

The McChrystal Controversy: An Opportunity To Revisit Afghanistan Policy!

The controversy over the insubordination of General Stanley McChrystal, the commander in charge of our military effort in Afghanistan, creates the opportunity to revisit the Afghan War policy!

Now the longest war in American history, and with no strategy that insures any end game anytime soon, and with growing numbers of casualties, it is time for President Obama to use the occasion of the McChrystal matter to decide that it is time to cut our losses, and withdraw sooner, rather than later!

Instead of saying that we will START withdrawing from Afghanistan in July 2011, how about us saying that we start withdrawal immediately, meaning July 2010, and accomplish a complete withdrawal by a year from now, July 2011?

It is clear that Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan, is a crook, illegally elected, and an unreliable ally, who should actually be prosecuted for his involvement in war crimes, corruption, and drug dealing! At the least, we should not trust him one iota, after his talk of working with the Taliban against the Western allies! With allies like Karzai, we need no allies, as he is a detriment to the whole prosecution of the war!

It is time for us to face the facts: The only time we could have won in Afghanistan was right after September 11, IF President George W. Bush had committed adequate forces and equipment to overcome Osama Bin Laden! It was his failure to do so, that has dragged out this war for almost nine years now!

This war may be abandoned at some point, but it is not the fault of Barack Obama, but rather George W. Bush and Dick Cheney!

Mr. President, take advantage of this moment of decision to make the ultimate commitment to stop sacrificing our young men and women to an impossible war that cannot be won! ๐Ÿ™

The Crisis Over Pensions, Present And Future: The Need For Action!

In the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression 80 years ago, the issue of what happens to pensions, both in the present and the future, arises! ๐Ÿ™

The issue of private employment pensions, which already has many victims when workers are dismissed before retirement age, or companies go bankrupt, is part of the controversy!

It is also an issue of public pensions of state and local government workers, who often work for lower pay because of the security of the jobs they hold, and the benefits they offer, including decent pensions!

We are now seeing attempts to cut back on pensions, and to tell younger and newer employees that they can never expect to have the kind of pension plans that older workers have been fortunate to gain! ๐Ÿ™

It will make the recruitment of future workers harder to accomplish, and it will make already distressed younger employees, who fear for the loss of their jobs, and the problems of getting ahead in their careers, the problem of how to save on their own in adequate ways to make retirement possible in the future when they reach Social Security age!

Plus, the whole Social Security and Medicare systems are in danger of going bankrupt, and one has to wonder how future workers will be able to count on these programs!

It makes the issue of Social Security and Medicare, and the general issue of pension reform, an urgency that MUST be dealt with by governments at all levels!

But it is hard to forecast and plan ahead when there is so much uncertainty now about the economic future in this nation! It behooves the two political parties to overcome their differences, and help plan for a reasonable set of solutions to these vexing issues! ๐Ÿ™

General Stanley McChrystal Must Be Fired, President Obama! :(

As if President Obama did not have enough to deal with on a daily basis, now General Stanley McChrystal, in charge of the war in Afghanistan, has created new problems for him! ๐Ÿ™

McChrystal, long rumored to lack basic diplomatic skills, was stupid enough to vent his frustrations with officials in the government in an interview about to be published in Rolling Stone Magazine!

Just the fact that McChrystal would lack the intelligence and common sense to avoid making public criticisms of the President, the Vice President, the US Ambassador to Afghanistan, the National Security Adviser, and the Special Representative to Afghanistan, is enough reason to fire him immediately as the military leader in the Afghan War! ๐Ÿ™

No general is indispensable, and in the past, when generals have defied the President in wartime or peacetime with their lack of respect for the Commander in Chief, they have been summarily dismissed!

The most famous case is General Douglas MacArthur and President Harry Truman during the Korean War. But also, General George McClellan was dismissed by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. Also, generals were dismissed for lack of respect and decorum by Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, and even President George W. Bush dismissed generals who were not “part of the team” in their privately expressed thoughts on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!

No President can tolerate disloyalty in the military, which if they engage in “politics”, giving ammunition to the critics of the President and his administration, make the burden of the Presidency all the greater!

No matter what McChrystal says in his upcoming Oval Office meeting before Obama and his top military and civilian advisers, he has lost the confidence of the top leadership, simply by his poor judgment!

If he has any decency left, he should resign and retire immediately, but if he lacks the courage and guts to do what is appropriate, then Obama MUST fire him with a severe reprimand statement! ๐Ÿ™

And the fact that conservatives and Republicans will back McChrystal, and be emboldened by his defiance and arrogance, is no reason for the President to back down! This is a moment to show the critics that he will not tolerate disloyalty, as indeed no President should have to face!

Obama is the Commander in Chief whether Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter and other right wingers wants to acknowledge it! Whether Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, John McCain and others support McChrystal is of no importance, as it would only reflect badly on them! ๐Ÿ™

President Obama, show everyone, including the critics, who is in charge, and to hell with any criticism! You are in the right historically, in good company with Truman, Lincoln and others! Our Constitution provides for civilian control of the military, and god forbid anything else were to be reality! ๐Ÿ™

Ralph Nader For President In 2012? Give Us A Break! :(

Ralph Nader, the consumer activist and environmentalist, has run for President numerous times, including the infamous Election of 2000, when he helped to cause the defeat of Al Gore by George W. Bush in Florida. Nader won 97,000 votes in Florida, with George W. Bush defeating Al Gore by 537 votes in the Sunshine State, and therefore winning the election, after the Supreme Court intervened to stop the vote recount! ๐Ÿ™

Now, Nader is discontented with Obama as not “progressive enough” and is considering another campaign for President, which can only help the Republicans in their campaign to defeat President Obama! ๐Ÿ™

There has been a growing trend of progressives and liberals, particularly in the news media, being critical of Obama for failure to accomplish all of his goals after 17 months in office!

The problem with these progressives and liberals is that they fail to recognize the realities of American politics! The opposition from conservatives and Republicans is so strong that when one looks back 17 months, one must be amazed that Obama has accomplished all that he has so far!

If these media critics and others do not recogize the realities of the circumstances that Barack Obama faces, they may be faced with a Republican President in 2013! ๐Ÿ™

They will have lost the best opportunity in 40 years to accomplish the goals that progressives and liberals have been desirous of since the last major period of reform, which occurred during Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s!

If this opportunity for measured reform is lost, it may be another 40 years before there will again be a chance to accomplish the goals that all progressives and liberals share! ๐Ÿ™

So instead of holding Obama’s “feet to the fire” and working to undermine him publicly, what is needed is a sense of appreciation and loyalty to a man who has advanced the progressive agenda far more than the other two Democratic Presidents since the end of the 1960s–Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton!

And a word to Ralph Nader: Don’t do the progressives any
favors by threatening to run again! ๐Ÿ™

We do not want you to destroy another chance for progressivism by your unwillingness to accept the “real” world! ๐Ÿ™‚

Do everyone a favor, Ralph! Stop looking for attention and be gone! ๐Ÿ™