Day: April 10, 2009

Crazy, Loony Glen Beck!

Fox News Channel already had Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, as well as regular contributions of Oliver North, Bernard Goldberg, and Dick Morris, but now they have recently graced us with the most loony, crazy one of them all–Glen Beck, late of CNN, which had the sense to let him leave 🙂

Beck is on a tear on his 5 pm show, and it is alarming that apparently he has gained a large audience willing to watch this maniac!

Beck is hysterical on his show, calling President Obama a "Socialist", but also lately a "Fascist", similar to Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Fascist Italy from 1922-1943.  Now how can one be both a Socialist and a Fascist?  The average person watching Beck has no understanding of these terms, and neither does Beck. 

Beck is lighting fires that could backfire on the nation, alarming crazy people who think the country is in danger of some kind of dictatorship led by Barack Obama.  The kind of recklessness displayed by Beck needs to be repudiated and the people of this country need to be educated in the true meaning of these ideologies.  Meanwhile, the threat of senseless violence based on heated rhetoric grows, and is of great concern for the safety of both the President and America at large.

Obama and the Saudi King

Conservatives are promoting another issue in their assault on President Obama.

The fact that the President gave a deep bow to Saudi King Abdullah, when he met him at the G-20 summit this week, has become a major controversy, that it implies that our President is bending to the will of the oil kingdom.

This is really amazing and unbelievable, as we did not hear the same cry of outrage when former President George W. Bush held the hand of the King at his ranch as he escorted him around his property.  Also, the Bush family, including the first President Bush, is known to have had close contact and shown deference to the Saudi royal family over a long period of time.  The Republicans have been known to be very close to the Saudis, but if a new Democratic President shows a normal amount of friendship, it is suddenly a scandal. 
Do I approve of showing any deference to a royal family that I consider corrupt and disgraceful? Of course, the answer is no, but this is part of the necessary international relationships that this nation has, and it can only end when this country finally is able someday to tell the Saudis and the other Middle East oil nations that we no longer need their oil, and that we have found alternative energy resources.  Regrettably, that will not be happening as soon as the Obama Presidency.